Friday, October 2, 2015

Day 2: Some days don't start out awesome...

Today is Friday - it's the start of the weekend and the sun is shining! It should be awesome... but the day didn't start that way for us...

I slept well last night and woke up just before my alarm at 5:35 am. So far so good.  I got up and started getting ready and checked the temperature outside -- a very chilly 41 degrees!  Brrrrrr! I put together a warmer outfit for the day complete with a nice warm red sweater (for Red Friday - in honor of those who are deployed and are serving far from home in harm's way) and a scarf because it's time to wear scarves every day now in Belgium! I even chose my brown suede boots because there is 0% precipitation predicted for today and that a reason to celebrate all on its own!
Then the rest of the family started to stir and get ready. My son was showering and my husband was up and about. I put my lunch together (yummy cauliflower soup) and was ahead of schedule. My husband was ironing our son's JROTC shirt for his inspection today and packed it up (I say the retired military dude can do it better than I can ;-) ). Men can iron and I happily love this fact! Don't judge me! Almost ready to go. Little things can be distractions for those of us who have ADHD in their family (maybe all of us have it???)

Those little things were the undoing of us this morning...

The unpacking of the overnight bag from the golf match the day before unearthed necessary things like toothbrushes - one of the last steps before leaving around 7 am on our hour long trek to school and work. Of course, 3 excited doggies milling around in our small kitchen also added to the chaos!

We packed the car and were on the road. Normal morning conversation followed along with a few comments on the wonderful driving skills of those around me. When driving for at least 30 minutes, my son turns and looks in the back seat and realizes - NO UNIFORM BAG!!!!! And the morning unraveled from there... It's so frustrating to see your kids realize they forgot something important and the effect the item forgotten will have on their day and maybe their grades, etc. We couldn't turn around. Not enough time to do so and make it to school and work on time. For those of you with ADHD or someone in your family with it, you know that systems and routines are the only way to be successful. So, of course, I'm planning (while driving about 120 kph) how we can never have this happen again... Because I'm a fixer, a helper, a bit of a control freak...

We talk about the day and other things and he mentions I need to sign a permission slip for today which he got on Wednesday (he wasn't home since then because of the away golf match). I said, yep - I'll sign it! But, of course, I'm still driving about 120kph! We finally reach the school and he grabs his stuff and heads in. I turn on my audiobook on my ipad which is my best friend when driving alone and head to work. Only 2 minutes later, after reaching the turn off point to head to my office, I realize I DIDN'T SIGN THE PERMISSION SLIP!!!!!! So I take the roundabout option to go back the way I came and pulled to the curb by the school. Cell phone out and son answered -- yay for small miracles! Out he came and permission slip signed. Now I could drive to work and hopefully have an awesome day.

It's up to me how I will let this day unravel from this point on. I plan to have an awesome day. A great Friday spent partly in the office and then happily free to enjoy the weekend. Little challenges can either derail us or spur us on to try harder to see the good things that God puts in our path. I pick looking for the good things today!

This verse is very helpful on days like today:

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 - Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

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