Sunday, October 18, 2015

Day 17 Why are we doing this???

On one hand taking on a blogging challenge when you've only written a handful of posts is ludicrous. On the other hand, it's like throwing down the gauntlet to prove that you can do it.  That's where I am today.

I've been running one day behind this past week on the 31 Days of Writing for the month of October. It's not for lack of things to write about because I definitely live in an interesting and unusual place and have lots of crazy things happening daily. It's probably because I'm part of a group of people known as Clumsy Bloggers who are still working to find their voice and get their fingers into a groove.

Today is Sunday the 18th and I'm working on Day 17. One dog is sitting next to me whining (or winging as the Brits say - guess which dog that is - could it be Butch our British/Italian adoptee?).  He's laying half on the couch and half on the arm of my recliner sort of uncommitted to either piece of furniture. You could say that's how I feel about some of my ideas for posts - on the fence!

Sundays are wonderful here. When we aren't driving over to Chapel which ends up occupying the entire day with lunch and then shopping on base, I have a whole long day of nothingness to occupy me. The possibilities of what to do are endless! Meanwhile, the day is ticking past along with all of those maybe's. Sometimes it is enough to just do nothing. It's good to do nothing when your days are filled to the brim with somethings.

Back to the blogging though... Words are easy. Words on the page are logical. Making them interesting is the hard part. Making them jump to life and have meaning to others is hard too. Not wanting to delete them and start again with a clean page is something you have to stop yourself from and just keep moving forward. The fear that is within that makes us question what we want to say and the judgment of others is what causes that paralysis though. Does anyone really care about what I'm writing? Is it good enough? Those are the big questions really and then we think that there's no reason to even be doing this... and we're back to square one...

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