Saturday, October 31, 2015

Day 31: And it's a Wrap!

Today is October 31st, it's Halloween AND it's the last day of the 31 day writing challenge.


I didn't write every day. I ended up missing 7 days. I could beat myself up about not having kept to this challenge perfectly but I'm not perfect. While this challenge marched on, life also was marching on. What did I learn about blogging over these 31 days? That's the big question!

I learned that trying to write in a style that others would find interesting is HARD!

I learned that, while I have all of these really interesting ideas floating about my head at all times, it's hard to keep focused and get them down into words on the computer. Words are usually easy for me but blogging about my life and daily events is HARD!

Carving out time in the day to just sit down and write is HARD!

Are you sensing a theme here yet?

BUT, while trying to write my own posts, I have had the opportunity to read many, many posts from fellow Clumsy Bloggers and fellow 31 Days bloggers. These posts have been heart wrenching, funny, serious, informative, amazing, and so varied as the voices of everyone came through on each of their pages. I have found new friends to follow who are sharing their lives, dreams, hopes and fears. What a great experience!

So today I sit here in the sunshine in my writing corner (my recliner in the living room) and look back over the 31 days. I'm glad that I accepted the challenge. I accept that I fell off the wagon and then climbed shakily back up on to finish. I think it's really important to realize that admitting to yourself and others that it was hard vs. just giving up and not finishing is something to celebrate. Now, moving forward, I know that the fact that I was able to write on most days will give me the courage and the motivation to set a writing schedule and keep to it -- especially if it's not 31 days IN A ROW!!! 

The big question is: Will I do this challenge again next year?? We'll see...  Will I still be writing on my blog? Will it improve? Will it increase in followers? Or will it just be a place where I share my stories once in a while? Time will tell. 

For anyone considering doing a challenge like this one - JUST DO IT! It's hard but it's definitely worth it as a growing experience!

For my Cousin Joyce, that book you want me to write is still somewhere inside my head. I'm not sure if I'm up to it just yet. This challenge was sure an eye opener! But I had good company!

1 comment:

  1. It has been a joy to share this journey with you! You are absolutely right... it was HARD. Keep sharing!
