Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Day 6: Simply Awesome Tuesday

Simply Awesome Tuesday!

As you can tell, I live in Belgium. Sounds fancy, right? It could be but that's not our style - we're down to earth, regular folks who have moved so often we sometimes can't remember where we are! Today started out at o'dark thirty because we were all heading on the drive to school/work/car maintenance and then on our way to Germany. Adulting can be hard and I sure love that term that has found its way to our lips. Getting up when it's still dark and taking care of a home's last minute needs is necessary but not fun - especially before caffeine! We left later than we should have and ran into traffic and delays and crazy drivers but finally the day is under way.

It's Tuesday and it is the first day of the book club for Simply Tuesday. I found this book when searching for books for our daughter to encourage her and enrich her life in the big city (a half empty nest isn't awesome by the way). Of course, I also found some books that I NEEDED because books are something that I can't resist as you would see from our overflowing bookshelves and my Kindle library. When I read the description for this book, I knew it was for me.

In Simply Tuesday, Emily P. Freeman shows you how to:
embrace today's work
find contentment in the now
replace competition with connection
learn to breathe in a breathless world

Emily writes that the kingdom of God "doesn't look like I thought it would or think it should, but there it is, hiding under the piles of everyday life, God is where he always said he would be -- in the whisper, in the shadows, in the seed." When you look at it through her eyes, then you know that God is in the small stuff every step of the way with us. So if we really want to live a faithful life, then we need to really live those little moments and make the most of them for and with God.

The events in the news are also part of our everyday life and social media tends to focus on these events with a harsh light. Why not take the chance to use these events as more opportunities to pray and to lift those up who are being affected by them. The recent shootings at the Oregon campus and the flooding in the South of France and also South Carolina inspired this thought together with fellow Clumsy Blogger's appeal when finding emergency vehicles at schools and a college in her neighborhood. I've found that so many people are investing their time in commenting in rants on people's posts when they could be spending their time in a more positive way. So I'll do my part -- because that's all we all can do - we can't control others but we sure can do our best to live each moment with faith and hope.

Now I need to read the rest of the assignment before today's Periscope session - and I finally joined Periscope because I am a creature of curiosity but am not brave enough yet to actually do one myself!

Happy Simply Awesome Tuesday!

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